Our final morning on the Tiwi Islands is greeted with strong emotions as we say goodbye to new friends and a landscape that is still largely untouched by mainstream Australians. It is bitter sweet as our adventure that took many months of planing finally comes to an end where its sight and sounds will fade into a clouded memory. The highlights such as the vibrant blue waters, mangroves on the water edges and smiles of the Tiwi people will always remain a part of us. As Bushy said on our last day ‘you are part of me now and part of the Bush family forever’. Equally we will forever be connected in our hearts to these magical islands, Bushy and family, and every other soul that we met in our expedition.
Our departure from Tiwi Islands was via a turbo prop plane which I have to say is never my favorite form of transport, as I have a fear of flying which has never been resolved. Nevertheless this time I felt a sense of peace despite my pending trepidation waiting for the plane. As I sit in the container, our check-in lounge waiting for the plane to land I began to reflect. I know without a doubt that our time on Tiwi Islands has been a privilege, as its not always a destination open to tourist wanting to access the islands without being part of a tour group. I would personally like to thank all the Tiwi Islander community for their heartfelt generosity and particularly our host Bushy, Mark Pollard (Tiwi Islands Regional Council) and the Tiwi Land Council for making a dream possible. We would also like to thank Seaswift and staff for transporting our 4WD and boat (River Spirit) safely to and from Melville Island by barge – a truly unique mode of transport to such a remote area.
Stay tuned for some homeward bound photos and some highlight photos from the Tiwi Islands when we get home and organise all video and photo footage of this remarkable place.
1 Comment
Kay Gyngell · 30 September 2016 at 8:33 am
Safe trip home. What a special time you’ve had. Look forward to seeing more photos & sharing some of your experiences in the near future.